Friday, February 27, 2009 | 12:10 PM

Things I miss about Deutschland

1. Shopping at H&M.

2. Not having to think twice to buy coffee at Starbucks anytime.

3. SUBWAY tuna sandwich in Heilbronn. They taste way better than the one they served here.

4. No traffic jam! Malaysia's road system is just stupid, unorganized and let's not talk about that freaking toll!

5. Snow.

6. Super fast internet connection.

7. Brötchen at Kamps!

8. Kebab auf teller at Sultanyar Kebab.

9. All flavored ice cream at 60 cents. And you can simply get Haagen Dazs (500ml tub) Cookies and Cream for 5 EURO ONLY.

10. Beautiful, clean parks where we can have barbecue and makan-makan on weekends.

11. Public transport.

12. Punctuality.

13. Easy to plan for vacation - always economical and it was Europe ok!

14. Online shopping was always problemlos.

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